20 Fire Safety Rules For Kids Keep Your Kids Safe From Fire

Knowing fire safety rules for kids is essential because fires can be extremely dangerous, causing serious medical emergencies, loss of property, and even death. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, annually in the United States – an estimated 3,700 people die from fires, and over 22,000 sustain injuries. Moreover, children under five face a higher risk of fire injuries or fatalities than other groups.

In order to avoid potential disasters and encourage knowledge about fire safety rules in children, there are several steps parents should take to ensure their kids know what to do if there is ever a fire when they’re at home or away. The safety rules start with discussing fire with your kids and making them understand that they should avoid playing with lighters and matches. Dig into and learn more about the fire safety rules of kids to keep your kids safe from fire.

Here are 20 Fire Safety Rules for Kids

Here are 20 Fire Safety Rules for Kids

1. Talk to Your Children About Safety

It is important to have safety talks with your child about fire safety. Fire can be a very dangerous and destructive force, so your child must know how to stay safe in the event of a fire. Start by explaining what happens during a fire, such as smoke, heat, and flames. Explain that they must keep themselves safe at all costs and should never go back into a burning building or try to put out the fire themselves.

Next, discuss preventive measures such as having working smoke detectors in the home and regularly checking them for proper functioning. Make sure your child knows how to use a fire extinguisher if necessary. Teach them how to evacuate a building in case of an emergency properly and where the designated meeting place is outside the building. Finally, talk about being safe around open flames, such as candles or matches and remind them not to play with these items. By having these safety talks with your child, you are helping ensure their safety in an emergency.

2. Practice Fire Drills

Practicing fire drills with your children is a great way to reinforce the fire safety rules for kids and ensure they know what to do in an emergency. It is important to practice fire drills at least twice a year to familiarize your child with the evacuation plan. Ensure you explain how to evacuate properly and where the designated meeting place is outside the building. Also, be sure to talk about how to stay low and avoid smoke inhalation.

3. Never play with Matches or Lighters

Playing with matches and lighters can be extremely dangerous for children, as they are unaware of the potential risks associated with these items. It is important that parents and guardians take the necessary steps to ensure that their children do not have access to these items unless they are under adult supervision. Even then, adults must remain vigilant in order to prevent any accidents from occurring.

Educating children on the dangers of playing with matches and lighters is also important. This can be done by explaining the consequences of using them without proper supervision, such as fires or burns. Additionally, it is beneficial to demonstrate how to use these items safely if they are ever needed in an emergency. By teaching children about the risks associated with playing with matches and lighters, we can help keep them safe from harm.

4. Be Sure Matches are Extinguished

Extinguishing matches is an important safety measure that should be taken seriously. It is essential to double-check that a match has been completely put out after it has been lit and extinguished. This can be done by running the match underwater for a few seconds, which will ensure that the trash does not accidentally catch fire.

This rule should especially be practiced by older children or young adults who are more likely to use matches. Even young children can easily understand and follow this tip since it is simple and easy to understand. Teaching them this rule at an early age will help them develop good habits when it comes to handling matches safely. It is also important to remind them of the importance of double checking extinguished matches every time they use one.

5. Do Not Leave Candles Unattended

Candles can be a great source of light and ambiance, but they can also cause fires if left unattended. It is essential to remind children that candles should never be left burning without anyone in the room. If you are leaving the room for any amount of time, make sure to blow out all candles before leaving.

It is also essential to explain the dangers of leaving candles unattended, such as the potential for a fire. This can be done by discussing how quickly a small flame can spread and how it can cause serious damage in a short amount of time. Additionally, it is beneficial to demonstrate how to properly extinguish a candle using a snuffer or blowing it out. By teaching children about the risks associated with leaving candles unattended, we can help keep them safe from harm.

6. Don’t Touch Hot Objects

Hot objects such as stoves, ovens, and fireplaces can cause serious burns if touched. It is important to explain to children the dangers of touching hot surfaces and teach them about the proper way to handle them. For instance, it is beneficial to demonstrate how to use pot holders when taking items out of the oven, or how to keep a safe distance when near a fire.

Additionally, it is important to remind children of the importance of keeping their hands away from hot surfaces and objects. This includes not reaching out to touch an object that has been heated up, which can cause serious burns. By teaching children about the risks associated with touching hot surfaces and objects, we can help keep them safe from harm.

7. Keep Flammable Items Away

It is important to keep all flammable items, such as matches, lighters, and gasoline away from children. This can be done by storing them in a locked cabinet or high up on a shelf where kids cannot reach them. Additionally, it is beneficial to explain the dangers of these items and how they should never be used without proper supervision. By teaching children about the risks associated with these items, we can help keep them safe from harm.

8. Install Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms can help detect fire and alert occupants of a home to evacuate quickly. It is important to install smoke alarms on every level of the house and check them regularly to ensure they are in working order. Additionally, it is beneficial to explain to children how smoke alarms work and why they are important for safety.

It is also important to remind children that when they hear the smoke alarm, they should stay low and evacuate the house immediately. By teaching children about the importance of smoke alarms, we can help keep them safe from harm.

9. Have an Escape Plan

Having an escape plan is essential in the event of a fire. It is important to create a plan that outlines how to safely evacuate the house and where to meet outside. Additionally, it is beneficial to practice the plan with children so they are familiar with what to do in case of an emergency. This can help them remain calm and act quickly if a fire occurs. By teaching children about the importance of having an escape plan, we can help keep them safe from harm.

10. Stop, Drop, and Roll

If a child’s clothing catches on fire, it is important to explain the “stop, drop, and roll” technique. This involves stopping immediately to avoid fanning the flames, dropping to the ground, and rolling over to smother the fire. Additionally, it is beneficial to explain that this technique should be used immediately and not to run or attempt to put out the fire with their hands. By teaching children about the “stop, drop, and roll” technique, we can help keep them safe from harm.

11. Have a Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are important tools for putting out small fires before they become larger. It is important to install an appropriate fire extinguisher in the home and explain how it works. Additionally, it is beneficial to demonstrate how to use the fire extinguisher correctly and remind children that it should only be used by an adult. By teaching children about the importance of having a fire extinguisher and how it works, we can help keep them safe from harm.

12. Don’t Over plug

In today’s world, it is not uncommon for households to have multiple electronic devices. From televisions and computers to gaming consoles and cell phones, these items are essential for everyday life. However, with so many devices in one home, it is important to educate children on the proper use of power outlets.

Children should be taught that plugging too many appliances into one outlet can lead to a short circuit. This can cause damage to the device or even start a fire. To avoid this, they must be aware of how many items they are plugging into each outlet and make sure not to exceed the recommended amount. Additionally, they should be aware of any frayed cords or exposed wiring, as these can also increase the risk of a short circuit. By teaching children about the dangers of over-plugging, parents can help ensure their safety and protect their electronics from potential damage.

13. Fires and Stoves Should be Avoided

It is important to keep children away from fireplaces and stoves at all times. Fireplaces and stoves can be extremely dangerous for children, as they can easily get burned or cause a fire if they are not supervised properly. Children should never be allowed to play near these areas, as even the slightest spark could cause serious injury or even death.

Parents should always make sure that their children understand the dangers of fireplaces and stoves. They should explain to them that these areas are off-limits and that they must stay away from them at all times. It is also important to teach children about the proper safety precautions when using a fireplace or stove, such as keeping flammable materials away from the heat source and never leaving it unattended. By teaching children about the risks associated with fireplaces and stoves, parents can help ensure their safety and prevent any potential accidents.

14. Prepare a Fire Drill

Fire drills are an important part of any family’s safety plan. They help children understand what to do in case of a fire emergency and give them the confidence to act quickly and calmly. It is essential that families map out a plan for fire drills and execute it several times. This will help children become familiar with the steps they need to take in order to evacuate safely.

When planning a fire drill, it is vital to designate a safe meeting place outside of the home where everyone can gather if they get separated during the evacuation process. This should be somewhere easily accessible, such as at the end of the driveway or across the street from your house. Additionally, make sure that all family members know how to use fire extinguishers and other safety equipment in case of an emergency.

15. Making the House Fireproof

Educate your child about the dangers of playing with or near fire or open flames as the most crucial step. Educating the on the consequences of such activities can help them stay safe and prevent any accidents from happening.

The next step is to install fire alarms in your house and make sure they are working properly by changing their batteries every six months. This will alert you if there is a fire, giving you time to react quickly and evacuate safely. A mini fire extinguisher is also a good investment and should be taught to your children if a fire breaks out. Lastly, make sure all wiring around the house is properly covered as exposed wires can be a significant cause of fires in homes. Taking these steps will help keep your home safe from potential fires and protect your family from harm.

16. Everything Must be Left Behind

When a fire breaks out, it is essential to remember that your safety should be the top priority. This means that you must leave all of your possessions behind and get to safety as quickly as possible. Your life is more important than any material item, so never return inside a burning building to retrieve anything.

It can be difficult to leave everything behind during an emergency situation, but it is essential for survival. Make sure that everyone in the building knows what to do in case of a fire and have an escape plan in place. Have an emergency kit ready with items such as flashlights and first aid supplies so that you can grab them on the way out if necessary. Remember that leaving everything behind is the best way to ensure your safety during a fire, so don’t hesitate when it comes time to evacuate.

17. Don’t Hide

When a fire breaks out, it can be tempting to hide in a closet or under the bed in an attempt to avoid the flames. However, this is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. The smoke from a fire can quickly fill a room, making breathing difficult and potentially trapping you inside. Additionally, the heat from the fire can cause structural damage to the walls and ceilings, making them even more dangerous.

Instead of hiding, your child should stay low in an area with fresh air and make their way out of the building as quickly as possible. It is also important to teach them not to open any doors that are hot to the touch since this indicates that there is a fire on the other side. If they encounter a blocked exit, they should look for an alternate route or a window to escape.

18. Elevators Should be Avoided

It is vital for children to understand the dangers of using an elevator during a fire. Elevators can be unreliable in a fire emergency, as they may stop working due to power outages or smoke inhalation. This could leave your child stuck inside the elevator and unable to escape. It is, therefore, important that your child understands that if an apartment building is on fire, they should not use the elevator.

Explain to them that during a fire, they must use the stairs instead of the elevator. Stairs are always available and provide a safe way out of any building in case of an emergency. Make sure your child knows how many flights of stairs they need to take and where the exits are located so they can quickly evacuate when necessary. Additionally, teach them about proper safety protocols, such as staying low and covering their mouth with a cloth or shirt while exiting through smoke-filled hallways.

19. Take the Stairs

Stairs are a great way to get from one floor to another, especially when you’re on the second story or higher. Taking the stairs instead of an elevator is a healthier option and can help you stay in shape. It also helps reduce your carbon footprint by reducing energy consumption.

When it comes to safety for children, stairs are always the best choice. In case of an emergency such as a fire, taking the stairs is much faster than waiting for an elevator. Elevators can become stuck due to power outages or other issues, so it’s important to always choose the stairs when exiting a burning building. Stairs provide a direct route out of danger and can be used even if no power is available. Additionally, they provide more stability and support than an elevator would in such situations.

20. Be aware of Emergency Numbers

It is essential to teach your children the emergency numbers in case of an accident or emergency. Knowing these numbers can help them stay safe and get help quickly. It is essential to explain to your children that they should call the police or fire department if there is a fire, and they should also be aware of other emergency services such as ambulance, poison control, and animal rescue.

You should also remind your children to evacuate the building immediately if there is a fire and find a safe place in case of an emergency. Once they are at the safe place, they must call for help from the emergency helpline. It is also important to talk to them about their safety during an accident so that they remember what you have taught them in case of an emergency. Lastly, always trust your children to be responsible and alert during any kind of accident or emergency situation.

Watch Top 5 Fire Safety Tips For Kids


It is important for children to understand the dangers of fire and how to stay safe during a fire. Teaching them about proper safety protocols such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator, being aware of emergency numbers, and staying low and covering their mouth are the main factors of safety tips for kids. Those fire safety rules for kids are from safety experts so apply those without any doubts.

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